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Welcome To Texadus Family Farm!
Why Texadus? Who is Texadus?
Welcome! We are Harold and Lynn Jones. Let me share a bit about us and why our farm is called Texadus.
In the fall of 2003 we were a normal suburban Southern California family. OK… a normal suburban family expecting their 8th child. We had talked for years of moving, but never did anything about it. Suddenly, Harold decided it was TIME. We narrowed it down to Texas and by May 2004 we were the proud and astonished owners of 11 acres deep in the Piney Woods of NE Texas. We have come to feel we made our *exodus* to the *promised land* of Texas. We were shell shocked and thrilled with our new state and continued to quickly make huge changes.

In July of 2004 we started our homestead with chicks and guinea keets. We met a local family who raised of all things… DAIRY GOATS. Lynn was interested. Harold commented to friends that he thought it was a “Baaaaaaad idea.” Then we were offered a taste of raw goats milk…, which we sipped with some skepticism. We were amazed. We were hooked. And in September of 2004 we became the owners of 2 La Mancha dairy goats – Gypsy and Vickie Rae. The seller bred them for us to a Nubian buck and in Feb 2005 we assisted at our first kidding. Cinnamon and Sugar were born, followed by Ginger and Fred. Since then we have added many more goats, more chickens, more guineas, turkeys, ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, and 3 new Texans born and bred. Check back in with us as we hope to add pigs, dual purpose cattle, and maybe more Texans to our farm… Additionally we have goats milk soaps, lotions and potions, baked and canned goods… and more.
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